Vote for  

  Christine Valin

For Greenburgh Central School District Board of Education

Vote for Valin on May 21, 2024!

I encourage the GCSD community to support both our school budget and my candidacy for Board Trustee.

How are you involved with the Greenburgh Central School District or the local community?

My husband Agustin and I are parents of two children who attended GCSD since kindergarten, one currently at Woodlands Middle/High School and the other a 2023 graduate.   I have attended BOE meetings for 13 years (including my current 3-year term), serving on the Education, Fiscal Planning/Facilities, Audit, Community Engagement, Safety/Technology and Governance & Policy committees so I could thoroughly comprehend and contribute to solving the issues facing the district.  

I have advocated for improved outcomes for ALL students through my service as a past PTA board member and as a core member of the parent group working towards equitable funding for Greenburgh schools in partnership with our local legislators.  I was a parent representative for International Baccalaureate re-certifications at two of our elementary schools.   I am also Committee Chair of the Scouts BSA Hartsdale Troop, volunteer with Westchester Parks Foundation and a member of Sacred Heart parish. 

Why will you be a good choice for a board member?

I have advocated for improved outcomes for ALL students throughout my years of service to our district.  My experience with the Board of Education and PTA demonstrates my commitment to help our students become confident, capable, and caring citizens.  I believe in discussing issues frankly, questioning sincerely and collaborating on practical solutions that will move us forward.  I have lived in Greenburgh for 18 years, so I am familiar with the community with the added perspective from having lived in the Midwest and Europe previously.  

También me gustaría dar a conocer que hablo español, aunque no a la perfección.  Así que los que no estén cómodos explicando sus preocupaciones sobre las escuelas en ingles pueden encontrar a alguien de la junta con quien se pueden comunicar.

What do you feel are the biggest challenges facing Greenburgh Central School District now and over the next 3 years?

- Providing resources to address the social-emotional welfare of our children and staff.

- Provide a safe learning environment for students and staff.

- Fiscally responsible achievement of the first two points.

- Improve engagement with all stakeholders in the GCSD community.

What are your ideas for addressing these challenges?

We need to continue supporting the social-emotional learning within curriculum areas as well as with stand-alone activities, proactively modelling how to discuss emotions & differences with kindness as well as addressing specific behaviors through restorative practices.

We need to continue creating a phased plan to upgrade the safety of our facilities and, when possible, enhance the design to facilitate collaboration and hands-on experiential learning.  

Both academic programs and facilities improvements rely on responsible and transparent budgets.  Having open conversations with our GCSD community will help outline the priorities for the small part of the budget that is not determined by law or contracts.  

Solutions may not come easily, but I will be thorough in tackling issues by listening to the experts, questioning the alternatives, and collaborating on solutions to move forward in helping our students do their best.

Questions about voting?

Contact GCSD District Clerk Kristine DiFrancesco for information on how to vote in the school district election and budget vote.