Frequently Asked Questions

Why are you running for the Board of Education? If elected, what will be your priorities? 

I am running for the GCSD Board of Education to help this district continue the positive trajectory it has begun.  I have advocated for improved outcomes for ALL students throughout my years of service to our district.  I want to solidify some of the educational programs we have and examine others to see how they could be improved so we can help our students become confident, capable, and caring citizens

What particular experiences or skills have prepared you to serve as a board member?

I’ve volunteered at the schools and attended BOE meetings for over 13 years, so I have an idea of the concerns parents have and understand the huge time commitment involved in this volunteer position.   In my current 3-year term on the Board, I have been a member of the Education, Safety/Technology and Finance & Facilities committees, chaired the Audit and Governance & Policy committees, and attend weekly meetings as Vice President.  I have also served on the District-Wide Emergency Plan and ad hoc Governmental Relations committees.  I attend regular Board Leadership Affinity group and Community Conversation meetings as well as advocacy meetings with legislators organized by the Westchester Putnam School Board Association. Prior to my Board service, I participated in the Education, Fiscal Planning, Audit, Community Engagement and Facilities committees.  

Previously, I worked as Revenue Manager at an international financial information company, so have experience with contracts, controls, and process audits.  I led the Europe, Middle East, and Africa team, and served as a liaison with our Asian offices for my function.  I intentionally created a diverse team and have the experience of bridging differences to work towards a common goal.

In what school district or community activities/organizations have you been involved?

I've attended various district events as my two children have progressed through GCSD since kindergarten, with one currently attending Woodlands Middle/High School and the other a 2023 graduate. I am a past PTA board member who held various positions including President.  I organized the book fairs for many years.  I was a core member of the parent group working towards equitable funding for Greenburgh schools in partnership with our local legislators.  I was a parent representative for International Baccalaureate re-certifications at a few of our elementary schools.  In addition to my Board service, I am Committee Chair of the Scouts BSA Troop in Hartsdale, volunteer with Westchester Parks Foundation and a member of Sacred Heart parish.

What attributes and behaviors are essential for school board members?

Ability to listen to other perspectives, ask thoughtful questions, consider facts, and make decisions in a professional manner.  Willingness and availability to "do the homework" on issues brought to the Board, including reading weekly reports and attending peer discussions and training. Availability to learn what is happening on the ground in schools.  Flexibility in scheduling special meetings and retreats to deal with ad hoc issues and to support teambuilding.  Willingness to find areas of agreement with the overarching goal of enabling our students to achieve their best – however it is defined for each child.

What is a school board member’s role and responsibility? How does that role differ from the role of the superintendent or administration?

A school board member should query policy and finances, but not direct the implementation of educational strategies.  Asking questions, comparing outcomes, and providing feedback from the community are appropriate ways to help the administration improve both the education of our children and the communication of the district’s efforts in that regard. 

How can a school board know if its goals are being accomplished and its policies are being implemented?

Defining the goals and ensuring they are measurable is both important and difficult.  Various stakeholders should be included in that process.  Accomplishment of those goals and policy implementation should be determined at regular intervals through reports from administration and through parent/staff/student surveys or confidential interviews as well as observation.

What is the best way to address differences of opinion on the board or between the board and the administration?

If disagreements are related to policy or finances, those discussions should be held at open meetings, in a respectful manner and with the goal of achieving understanding and consensus on the best course of action.  Other differences of opinion should be addressed privately, utilizing a mediator if the topic warrants.  If there is continued disagreement on a key educational or safety measure, it would be good to survey best practices so all parties can understand what others and/or experts suggest is the best course of action. 

What is the role of schools in teaching children about topics such as: sex education, cyber-safety, AIDS, wellness, bullying?

A lot of these topics are covered in Health class at different ages and to different degrees.  The schools should cover these topics as part of preparing our students for life after graduation as informed citizens.  Unfortunately, many of these topics are sometimes not discussed in the home, and students need and deserve accurate information about how these issues affect their physical and mental health, and what actions they can take to get help if needed.

Could you support a board decision you did not vote in favor of? Why or why not? 

If the majority of the board voted for something I did not, I would support that decision insofar as it becomes the ruling course of action.  I would want to help the district move forward and would work with the board to ensure the decision is aligned with the board’s goals.    

How can a board of education best communicate with its constituent groups?

Various board members will have different kinds of individual outreach, depending on the age of their children and their participation in other community events. The board overall should have a web presence that is updated often with information on meetings that the public can attend.  The board can share the district social media platforms for announcements about meetings or info about elections.  The board can look into an email/text blast service and suggest the general public register to become informed on updates regarding board business.  The board can post their contact info in all school buildings and share it annually with community stakeholder groups and unit PTAs.   The board should also send regular surveys to the community so they get feedback from those who don’t proactively contact the board. 

What is your vision for education in this community?

We should offer the financial and emotional supports to help GCSD students achieve the education that helps them become confident, capable, and caring citizens who can effectively communicate to achieve their personal goals.  The district, and we community members, should hold our students to high standards and their best performance and not the “good enough” outcome that might come more easily.  We should encourage our students to challenge themselves now, while we are here to catch them and setbacks have fewer repercussions, instead of seeing whether they fall once they begin their lives after high school.  

What do you see as the major issue(s) facing your school district? Public education?

Most importantly, we need to ensure we plan for and implement engaging programs needed to ensure our children will be on a solid educational and social-emotional footing.  We need to ensure GCSD can provide a safe learning environment for our students and staff, with an eye to spaces which can engage students with different learning styles.   To that end, financing is always a hurdle, so we need to be fiscally responsible in our choices.

What issues do you believe your district needs to address in its academic program and offerings? What changes would you recommend?

We need to examine how to continue improving our social-emotional learning within curriculum areas as well as with stand-alone offerings. 


We need to upgrade our facilities so we have a safe learning environment for our students and staff.


We need to ensure International Baccalaureate continues to be fully integrated in our curriculum modules (including expanding crossover or interdisciplinary opportunities) and I applaud our integration of the IB Learner Profile into our Social-Emotional Learning. 


Our district could review the PreK-12 curriculum to ensure it offers plenty of hands-on experiential learning.


We need to ensure we are engaging students with different learning styles across all curriculum areas. 

We should regularly ask the teachers what areas they feel need to be addressed as student needs change.

What should your school district do to better prepare students as citizens?

I think the International Baccalaureate (IB) program with its Learner Profile provides a good basis for teaching civic participation but could be extended with more “actions”.  That could be augmented with some sort of “Be A Friend” (not a bully or a bystander) program which focuses on the DO's and not just the DON'Ts of social behavior.  Themed book discussions could provide another opportunity for “showing and telling” how one could contribute to community improvement, and this is already done in many classrooms.  Clubs which encourage volunteering already exist at the middle and upper level.  Guided discussions, assemblies and art programs are other avenues to explore what it means to be a citizen. 

What can be done to improve student achievement and ensure everyone who graduates is college-ready?

First, everyone who graduates will not be college-ready because there is not a one-size-fits-all pathway for students.  The goal should be that each student achieves their best and is prepared to handle life’s challenges.  Each should have the skills necessary to successfully enter college or a work program or a trade and to do well once in that position.  Sometimes this may require more resources to implement supporting educational programs (extra help, learning labs, test prep, review sessions) or hands-on, experiential learning opportunities to reinforce the curriculum lessons (text-to-world connections through experiments, workshops, trips, internships, projects).  As stated earlier, we should help our students become confident, capable, and caring citizens who can effectively communicate to achieve their personal goals.  

What are your thoughts on your school district's programs for special education students, English Language Learners (ELL), and gifted students?

Regarding special education, I believe it is best to give as many supports as possible at the younger ages while students and families are learning the child’s strengths.  The roller coaster method of giving & taking support does not seem logical to me at the youngest ages.  As the children age, there is a better understanding of how each can best learn and grow, so it is possible some of those supports may no longer be needed.  Additionally, transitions for these students can be more complicated than for others, so I continue to advocate for processes and procedures that make entry to a new building go smoothly.

Our ELL program has grown in the past few years, and we may be entering a phase that requires additional supports for those studentsI've seen some innovative ways our teachers enable students to express themselves, so we need to evaluate whether there are obstacles other than time or practice before achieving language integration.  

I would like to see whether some aspects of our Advanced Learning Program can be expanded to other classrooms.  I would also want to know how successful we are at ensuring students in those classes aren’t in a bubble and are also interacting with many others in their cohort.

What are your areas of concern regarding student achievement in your district? 

When discussing NYS test scores, we have made strides in overcoming the pandemic era obstacles to learning, but our educators continue to analyze data to see which specific areas and/or age groups need additional support.  I would like to continue our progress with writing skills and encourage that we expand opportunities for students to learn how to self-direct writing assignments at the secondary level (brainstorming original themes instead of working solely from selected topics or prompts).  I also encourage additional opportunities for speaking/oral presentation, as these skills are useful in most pathways after graduation. 

Do you have specific suggestions for improvement?

I would rely on the advice of educators who are the experts in this area.

Given all the issues that arise, how can the board stay focused on student achievement?

Staying focused on student achievement is a balancing act, which is why I believe every other topic should feed into the core discussion – how will this help our students do the best work?

How does a school board balance the need to provide a quality education with the need to respond to the local taxpayer burden?

Balancing educational offerings with local finances requires making difficult choices.  We’ve begun addressing maintenance needs on our buildings that were postponed for years in order to keep budget increases low as we prioritized improving our educational offerings.  The board communicates the facility and educational needs to the public and listens to what the public feels are priorities.  I suggest that any interested community members attend the Community Engagement & Communications Committee meetings for broad discussions of the issues that concern them.  They could also attend the Education or Finance & Facilities Committee meetings for more targeted discussions.

What are your thoughts on the current and the proposed budget for your school district?

I think this is a good budget and encourage a YES vote.  I’ve served on the Finance committee for years now, and I think the current budget proposal is reasonable and conservatively estimates revenues.  

As a board member, where would you look to make budget cuts?

In past financial planning/budget sessions, we have found areas to cut (ex. equipment and administrative salaries), but there is little “fat” to cut because so much of the budget is fixed contractually or by state law.  I think this year we have a solid budget plan.

Are there any areas you would not consider cutting? 

Again, the bulk of the budget costs are fixed contractually or by law (salaries, benefits, contributions to retirement systems).  Special education needs vary each year depending on the needs of specific students, but I would be loathe to cut funds for our neediest students.

What changes should be made on the state and local level regarding public education?

We continue to advocate for equitable state funding, as the formula for disbursement penalizes GCSD for being located in a municipality where families move with the intention of sending their children to private/religious schools.  Also, the building aid formula limits GCSD to the minimum 10% reimbursement for capital projects so this is another area where legislative reform is needed to help our district.  Other pressing issues are the current state mandate to convert to electric school buses by 2027/2035 as well as the local issue of the potential incorporation of Edgemont as a village, which would negatively impact the overall tax base of the remaining unincorporated area.